Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cleaning is a workout!

What's Up?
Let me just say that: after yesterday I was so excited to go to bed & wake up this morning. I love the feeling of waking up clearly when you've eaten right & treated your body right the day before. This has seriously been my motivation lately as I really dislike waking up groggy & like a magnet on my back is attracted to the bed. I am feeling simply fabulous today & I have the work to prove it.

This morning I practically jumped out of bed to get my little Bug & make his breakfast, it felt so great to greet him with a happy Good morning & not be groggy; I could really tell he loved it because he was a dancing machine! About an hour later something clicked in my head of what I wanted to do today & that was: Clean!

I started off purging everything in the house that had been placed in the wrong spot & then got down to the nitty gritty cleaning(think toothbrush house cleaning!). Sometimes when I clean I get so into it that I just can't stop & actually end up looking around the house for a challenge & 3 hours later I had a clean house, organized closets, vacuumed & mopped floors, clean beds, & a rearranged living room! I was sweating so much that even after I stopped & was making lunch I was still dripping sweat(yuck, I know!). I would say I made close to 100 trips down the hallway and back just moving things & putting things away or moving toys since Bug wanted to help! I entered this on MyFitnessPal & it says at a light effort(which I obviously was not cleaning at!) that I burned 367 calories. I am so happy I was able to get some physical activity in even though it wasn't a structured workout I still feel good about it.

Food Log:
Breakfast/AM Snack: Single Serve Cinnamon Applesauce
Lunch:1/2 leftover Enchilada + 8oz Pepsi
PM Snack: 100 Calorie Emeralds Natural Nuts + Raisins
Dinner: 1/2 ChicFila sandwich, medium fry, 1/2 medium sweet tea
2 bottles of water(huge improvement for me who doesn't drink water...Ever!)

Feeling good, tomorrow is a possible workout day but all-in-all as long as it's 3 times a week I'm happy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Starting Out & Getting Weighed In

Good Morning friends & followers! I have been so ready to start this thing that I've almost made myself sick thinking about it & that might just be what I needed to do! This morning I couldn't wait to wake up, get out of bed, make breakfast, & work out. This week my personal goals are to: get a weight check, take before pictures, & buy a tape measure to take measurements.  My food goals are to: watch my sugar intake, cut sodas, drink more water, & make healthy choices. My weight goal is to lose 2 pounds by this time next week & workout goal is to be active in the way of exercise, 3 times this week!

Today's weight: 162.2

Before pictures:

So umm ouch! they look bad but this is as honest as I can be with myself. I purchased this swimsuit a couple of weeks ago & I know it doesn't look fabulous now but that's why I'm making a change & I want it took great on me & for me to feel comfortable in it next Summer.

Food goals/healthy choice: scrambled eggs for breakfast
AM Snack: 100 calorie nuts/raisins
Lunch: 6 inch Italian BMT + KoolAid
PM Snack: Strawberries
Dinner: Homemade Chicken Enchiladas + 8oz Pepsi

Exercise: 25 minute Cardio Dance Express The Firm + 30 Minute walk on trails through park(hills included!) :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Searching High & low...

This post is about dieting, I've been searching inside & out for a simple answer with quick results & there really hasn't been one.  Everytime I find something new there are tons of people who say that it worked for them & even worked miracles that couldn't be done through anything they've tried previously.  My main problem is that I get bogged down by boredom & I can't seem to follow through.  The answer has been staring me in the face & I've done it before but I just wasn't willing to spend the time.

In 2003 I completed an 11 week cycle of weight watchers through which I lost 20 pounds, it wasn't difficult to complete, it was a bit tough to get started but I feel it actually taught me "how" to eat.  I realized that I'd much rather spend my points on a few cups of grapes throughout the day than having a few bites of something unhealthy. I knew that once my points were done for the day that I had a bit of wiggle room but I rarely used them because I wanted to see results.  I remember starting off with a 4 pound weight loss just in my diet change & almost always pound loss each week just through improved food choices & movement. My weight at completion was 128.6, which made me completely happy & although I don't believe I can get there again I would like to be in the ballpark of that number.

My current weight is 164 pounds & my ultimate goal weight is 135, I think it's a nice round number & lends itself to the fact that I've had a child & also gives me a good are of comfort to stay within.  Everyone is always searching for the magic workout, pill, or diet that will just melt the fat but I now am pretty sure it doesn't exist.  I hope to get to my goal through substitutions & exercise, I would love to get moving 3 times  a week with a cardio dvd & writing/typing my food choices so that they're staring me right in the face day after day. With that said; I'm hoping to make my change this week or next, I'm not wanting to make a big deal of it as I have before in the past. I know it can be a slow process but this time I actually want to try & complete this. Even if it take months maybe it will stick this time & I won't have to do this ever again. :)