Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 1 Day 1

I've been trying to post all day long...geez there are so many obstacles whenever I try doing things.  If I had nothing to do & was bored I would have all the time in the world.

Today marked the start of my 1st step in my Lifestyle Change! In Part 1 I have plans of counting calories & watching my Sugar habits/Carb intake, which is always through the roof. I want to be a healthier person so I am willing to make the changes.  Today I have been so conscious & not blindly eating, meaning that when I found myself staring the fridge or the pantry I stopped & thought if I was hungry & if there was a snack worthy of eating.  I tend to like to eat for the satisfaction even if it's just a few seconds.  

Another thing that has helped is this horrible toothache that I happen to be suffering from, it hurts when food is hot or cold so I have to eat everything at like room temp. 

It's just past lunch time & I have right around 500 calories left for the day. Around 3:00 my body & mind get bored & I go foraging for an afternoon snack, that was going to be watermelon but it's ice cold & not sounding to great for my tooth.
Above is the picture of my scale this morning, I'm so unhappy with that # & myself  but I am actually doing something about it.  One note that has helped me through the morning is: "Nothing tastes as good as Skinny feels".  Below I will post my goals & when I plan to achieve them.  Thanks for reading...

Current Weight: 162.4
Personal Goal: 140
Healthy Weight Goal: 125
Date for Personal: October 29, 2011
Date for Healthy: January 7, 2012

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday Monday

Oh what a fabulous song "Monday Monday" is, but I am guilty of not knowing any of the other lyrics & it's definitely not Monday; it's Tuesday! I think Tuesday deserves some credit & a big woop woop & holler since it's just not Monday! ( not too much credit since it's far from Friday though)

Lately I have not made the best choices for my waste line & thighs but a friend of mine & I came up with a pretty simple plan to start this upcoming Monday. She will help me & I will help her, we will be the best little weight loss buddies that we can be! I find that the hardest part to weight loss is having no one hold me accountable, I followed the Weight Watchers program beautifully because I knew each week I would have to either be ashamed or feel proud for the choices I'd made the week before. I think it'll be even better since it's a friend that I'm close with & I wouldn't want to let her down.  A little friendly competition should be great & what a wonderful benefit we will both receive from it.

Tune in on Monday July 18th for a scale picture, plan info, & maybe even a before picture(don't hold your breath...)